- For the 100th time, no I'm not requesting your picture!
- Really, in your spare time you enjoy playing
Pokemon ? Ok, so I missed the part where you said it was with your son, my bad. - Yuck, that shirt is really ugly
- Why would you post a profile picture from 2003?
- Did you really just say that you are an attractive man? Glad you're confident. Close!
- Eeeeewwww
- Why would you not be embarrassed by the picture with you snuggling with a stuffed animal?
- Why are you rocking a choker dude?
- So your occupation is n/a?
- Really, one of the things you can't live without is Lacoste???
- Sorry I don't date cops, or should I say I WON'T date a cop?? Nope, no so sir, no I won't. That's my final answer!
- Awww, you look like a cabbage patch kid
- You're profile picture really consists of one of you then three of a cat? Huuummm?

There's one part of your profile where you're supposed to write some additional information the person wants their matches to know. Well here are a couple that I came across
- Ladies who are just getting out of a relationship and need time to heal please do everyone a favor a keep moving. (WOW!, I know that's right!).
- I can be very very kinky once we get to know each other. I give great foot and back massages. (Just what I wanted to hear, how'd he guess?) This same guy made it clear that he wanted someone who was Size 12-14 or smaller. She couldn't smoke and must be very attractive. (I guess there's nothing wrong with knowing what you want)
There's another match that stated the one thing he wish more people knew about him was
his big heart, and his facetious way's, and his determination for exertion (Alrighty then, someone's using the SAT words.)
With that said, I've decided that I'm really going put an ad in the City Paper to write online dating profiles. Some have things that are down right inappropriate and others have typo's out the yin yang and misuse words like there's no tomorrow. Anyway, since I'm in somewhat of a dating slump, what better way to humor myself than to go through some of my old matches. Who knows, perhaps there's some guy out there critiquing or laughing at my profile on his blog or with his friends but I highly doubt it. lol!
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