
January 24, 2011

I just don't get you. Nor do I have the strength to figure it out!

So, a few posts ago, I told you all of my desire to experiment with the dating site Well, before I could finish my profile the other day, I get a "wink" from a guy and a short friendly message. We exchange a few short emails and find ourselves chatting on the phone the very next day (stay with me here). At the end of that 50 minute phone call which I can admit was nice, he tells me that he's very interested in meeting me to which I responded, " ok, I need to check my schedule."  I was traveling, and truth be told, I wanted to stall because not only did I think it was a bit soon, but I was also thinking about how my face needed to clear up due to all the sugar I've been eating, how I needed to get my hair done and about my eyebrows which were in desperate need of mowing.
Needless to say, after I sent a good morning text the next day he called me, and within 2 minutes of us being on the phone he tries to close the date deal.  He's trying and trying HARD to get me to alter my schedule for the weekend, and I can say in good conscience that he was begging me. Maybe in a more sophisticated grown man kinda way. (Whatever the heck that means!)

Nevertheless, later on that evening (Tuesday) we spoke for about 10 minutes and I gave in. I was going to meet him that Friday after work. (I won't tell you that I convinced two of my girlfriends to go and have dinner there at the same So Wednesday comes, I don't hear from him. Thursday comes and I still havent' heard from him so I sent a little text saying hello and have a good day (crickets). Date day comes and I swallowed my pride (or whatever it was) and called. Sounded like the phone picked up and hung up but I could be wrong. At that point I decided that I wasn't trying any longer (because that was already waaaaay more than I would have done for any other guy). I thought to myself that since he was the one who was "gung ho" about meeting that perhaps he would have called to confirm. He didn't, and needless to say I didn't show up either. It was sort of a relief cause I thought perhaps he may have been a bit too old for me.

Instead, I went and got a mani with a friend, had a long conversation with an old classmate and went home to eat my Panera Bread soup and salad for dinner. So for all the Troy's out there in the world, I just don't get you and to be honest, I don't have the strength nor the energy to try and figure it out. On to the next.

January 09, 2011

SMH = Shaking My Head

I have a confession. I think I may have broken some sort of unspoken online dating rule. I think, but maybe not. I'll let you be the judge. I was matched with this guy who we will call Dan and man oh man was he fine! Cute as a button, and he had a great profile as well. I was attracted to him but the only problem was, some time after we had been matched, he hadn't sent me an email to communicate. 

I should probably tell you here that I've had a 0% response rate when I'm the first one to reach out to a guy, no luck whatsoever. Zip, zero zilch! With that said, I've pretty much decided that I would no longer be the first to reach out, I would let the guy take the lead at least for a little while. A guy friend of mine also on e-Harmony sorta agreed with me.

Because this guy was super cute, adorable and cut quite nicely might I add (he had a picture on the beach posted) I showed his profile to my co-worker. When she saw him she too was drawn to how handsome he was (and to those beautiful blues eyes) so I had the grand idea to try and hook them up. Why not???  (Don't answer that...)

I took the risk, emailed him telling him all about her and how great she was and said how I thought they would be a great match (I'm sure he laughed at this with his friends, I know I would have). I told him  if he was interested, I would send him pictures of her. Of course later I thought "what if he reports me to the site administrators?" Yikes!

Needless to say, ole Danny boy who not only passed up the opportunity to date a fabulous me, also passed up on the opportunity to date a fabulous her.  Oh well, would I do it again? Maybe but not in this fashion, but if I were to personally meet someone and not make a love connection at all, I may try and play matchmaker again. Perhaps I would have better luck. Who knows? In the meantime, all I can do is shake my head. 

Poll Results

Would you relocate for love?

 33%  said yes

0% said no

33% said maybe

33% said if he/she had lots of money, I'm packing my bag. (lol)


 Go to the sidebar on the right and cast your vote in our next poll

Would you rather be married or living together?