So, a few posts ago, I told you all of my desire to experiment with the dating site Well, before I could finish my profile the other day, I get a "wink" from a guy and a short friendly message. We exchange a few short emails and find ourselves chatting on the phone the very next day (stay with me here). At the end of that 50 minute phone call which I can admit was nice, he tells me that he's very interested in meeting me to which I responded, " ok, I need to check my schedule." I was traveling, and truth be told, I wanted to stall because not only did I think it was a bit soon, but I was also thinking about how my face needed to clear up due to all the sugar I've been eating, how I needed to get my hair done and about my eyebrows which were in desperate need of mowing.

Nevertheless, later on that evening (Tuesday) we spoke for about 10 minutes and I gave in. I was going to meet him that Friday after work. (I won't tell you that I convinced two of my girlfriends to go and have dinner there at the same So Wednesday comes, I don't hear from him. Thursday comes and I still havent' heard from him so I sent a little text saying hello and have a good day (crickets). Date day comes and I swallowed my pride (or whatever it was) and called. Sounded like the phone picked up and hung up but I could be wrong. At that point I decided that I wasn't trying any longer (because that was already waaaaay more than I would have done for any other guy). I thought to myself that since he was the one who was "gung ho" about meeting that perhaps he would have called to confirm. He didn't, and needless to say I didn't show up either. It was sort of a relief cause I thought perhaps he may have been a bit too old for me.
Instead, I went and got a mani with a friend, had a long conversation with an old classmate and went home to eat my Panera Bread soup and salad for dinner. So for all the Troy's out there in the world, I just don't get you and to be honest, I don't have the strength nor the energy to try and figure it out. On to the next.