I'm fair, at least I tend to think I am. However, I must say that the one great advantage to this whole online dating thing is the one thing that actually makes me feel a little guilty. Online dating really affords you the freedom to never respond to someone if they send you an icebreaker or list of questions. For some reason however I feel horrible when I do get a match that's interested and I'm not attracted to them in the least bit. I mean, I've been matched with people who I think are just "ok" and have communicated with them because looks aren't everything right? (as the little voice in my head is saying, they're not?) While I know I don't owe anyone an explanation, perhaps I should draft a note that I can send to everyone I'm not interested in. What would it say?
Dear Guy,
While I appreciate your email I just can't, I can't.
Dear Guy,
Thanks for your email, I just got married. Sorry.
Dear Guy,
I don't know why we were matched, now leave me alone.
LOL! Kidding I could never be that mean. Leave me a comment, do you think I should enjoy the freedom I've been given by not responding at all, or have a standard "not interested" response? Funny enough, I did get matched with one guy where in his profile he apologized in advance if he didn't respond at all. Perhaps I can copy off him??
If you're anything like us, we're sure your online dating experience has been quite the journey. For us, its been rather comical some days, to down right "are they serious?" This blog is an attempt to make light of these situations while hopefully making you laugh (or cry for that matter). We're also excited to announce that we will have an "Ask the Expert" segment providing you with dating advice which we will keep light hearted, fun and most of all real.
PS: Like us, this blog is a work in progress.
1 Speak on it!:
How about, "Thanks, but no thanks!"
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