
October 29, 2010

The Doug Saga --the dramatic conclusion!

So it has been awhile since I have posted anything, primarily because sadly there has been nothing to report, but then I realized I didn't write about what happened to my interaction with Doug.  So you got from my first post about Doug that Doug's problem appeared to be FOLLOW THROUGH.  Well sadly that is the reason that our brief online love affair ended.  But for a recap of the many failed attempts to actually meet Doug look at the blog post "I am not sure what to call this one" in September.  It makes for good reading.

So after not meeting up for coffee, Doug asked me to have lunch with him during the week.  We agreed to have lunch downtown (close to my job) at 12:30pm so we could finally meet.  That day I sent him a text message around 11am confirming that lunch was still a go.  His message to me was "I'm at the dentist".  He later explains via text message that he didn't realize he had a dentist appointment and that it was later in the day and would conflict with our lunch date.  By this time I was pretty much done.  I mean it didn't appear that this should be this hard to just meet up with someone for coffee or a drink or lunch.  I mean DANG it's not like rocket science we are just trying to meet. So lunch was a bust and Doug BEGGED (literally) me to have lunch with him on Friday.  He begged me via text message and via phone!  That's right the boy actually called because if you recall from my previous post Doug loved to text but somehow hated to actually talk. Go figure! When we spoke on the phone I asked him a question:  "Doug do you really still want to meet?  Because it is no big deal.  If you don't want to meet anymore I completely understand.  We can both go on about our merry way".  His response:  "NOOOO!  Please I WANT to meet you.  I promise I will be there.  You tell me where and I promise I will be there". 

So we decided to meet at a Thai restaurant on 8th Street at 12:30pm.  I got there at like 12:25pm.  There was no sign of Doug so I sat down and ordered my lunch.  This was one of my favorite Thai restaurants so a sista was going to eat.  Needless to say, Doug never showed up and he never called me again!  The first time I have ever been stood up.  Honestly, I wasn't upset I think because I had already decided Doug was a bust but mostly because my chicken pad thai was the BOMB!  :-)  HOLLA!

October 26, 2010

Pain in my hip ---OR--- The one I conveniently never told you about

I’ve failed to mention my first eHarmony "love" to you all – Chase. This love, hate relationship has been going on since July of this year. It started off pretty good even though he often came on a little bit too strong, (but then again I am the so that’s to be expected) and nowadays, well, I can honestly say that we successfully get on each others nerves.  I can probably write a book about our short love affair if you will, but to be honest its not worth the key strokes. The long and short of it is that we fuss and argue all the time. It's weird, I know. To be honest as I'm typing this, I'm snickering because the things we fuss about are sooooo stupid and really unnecessary.

Anyway, I hadn’t seen him in over a month and when he asked me out on a pseudo date the other night, I thought that since it had been a while, perhaps things may go smooth. Here's to wishful thinking....While we're driving to this spot downtown, I decided to let him know that what I really appreciated about him was also what got on my nerves about him – his honesty. While I envy his ability to be honest Abe, he can also be a bit curt, a bit pushy and  bit of a know it all. On the flip side, he thinks I’m too sensitive. Whatever! We can go around that mulberry bush all day long, perhaps never coming to any resolution.

It was today however that I was able to make an analogy as it relates to our "relationship." I have this pain in my hip you see and each time it’s feeling just a little better, I chance going for a quick run in hopes that the pain won't  worsen.  Each time, my hopes fail me and my hip is pained. The same it is with Mr. Chase, each time , I think something is going to be different, I think we are going to have a good time together,  we'll hang out it ends of going south at some point. Really at several points.  I say all this, and to be honest I'm sure this is not the end of he and I. Why I don't know? Perhaps we like the mutual aggravation.... Anyway, I'm sure I'll have a few more things to say about him before it's all said and done, in the meantime, just call me crazy or something.

October 22, 2010

Jesus is that you?

I'm going through my matches only to find a guy who calls himself "Holiness." Really? I was expecting to open it up and see Jesus, but I didn't. He did have on white shoes though. Does that make him pure and holy tried and true? Needless to say, we never communicated.

October 18, 2010

Poll Results

How Long Have You Participated in Online Dating?


 25% said six months or less

25% said six months or more

50% said more than they are willing to admit 


 Go to the sidebar on the right and cast your vote in our next poll

Would you relocate for love?

October 17, 2010

Better Left Unsaid

I've been talking to this one guy over the phone for almost a month now (about 6 or 7 conversations) and while I try to remain open and give people a chance, that doesn't necessarily shield one from my cracks or snide comments nor does it give one some sort of immunity when it comes to my giving you a nickname. This particular guys nickname is kinda mean so I won't say here. (of course these names and cracks are only reserved for my friends and co-workers, I'm not that mean). 

Anyway, our conversation is so so and, even though we live close to each other, we haven't met yet.  I guess he's not to happy about that because when I asked him about his weekend a week or so ago, he proceeds to tell me that he went on a date with someone he met on eHarmony. He told me twice within 10 minutes of being on the phone. I guess I was supposed to care. Not! I don't know you like that for one and secondly, we're on a dating site for pete's sake, I suspect, I'm not the only one you are communicating with and you surely aren't the only I'm talking too.

Fast forward a week or so later. We're talking on the phone and when I asked him how his week was going he AGAIN proceeds to tell me that he's been talking to someone he met on the site but wasn't sure where it was going as of yet. I couldn't let this one go so I asked him why he felt the need to tell me? He said he just wanted to be honest to which I responded nicely that I really didn't care. (in those words exactly) I'm not telling him all my dating tales. For what? It's really none of his business.

We ended up getting into a longer conversation about what it was each of us were looking for and while it was productive, it was also that conversation where I decided that he and I probably weren't going any further because I don't want to be rushed. Don't get me wrong, I'm no spring chicken and I should be on the fast track, but like I told him, I'm a pro at rushing and forcing things and this time I'm giving myself permission to take my time a little bit.  (I say that now at least).

Anyway sir,  I may have given you a chance, and who knows, perhaps I will let you back into my world at some point but some things are just better left unsaid.

October 11, 2010

Afterwhile, There was Kyle

You remember Kyle right? The cutie pie honey dip lover from Philly. The one I was sooooooo in love with after our first phone call (see The kiss on a collar bone post). Well, after about three months of communicating over the phone we FINALLY met. He's just as handsome in person as he is in his pictures, and just as charming and sweet as he's been over the phone. Now, don't get me wrong, he is by no means perfect, he's done a couple of things to irritate me, things that made me wanna  kick him in the jugular, but I'm one who tends to weigh the good against the bad and, I tend to give people chances, especially if its not that big a deal so?

Anyway, I don't really know what to say about he and I other than we shall see. To be honest, he's got a lot going on in his life and I'm not certain I'm ready to take it on and I don't think he would want me to. But, I will say that out of everyone I've met or communicated with thus far, he is one person that I would want to maintain at least a friendship with because of our great connection. We can talk about anything and laugh about everything. That's all I'll say about that at the moment but rest assured, I will keep you posted.....

October 05, 2010

Request My Photo?

The one thing that frustrates me most when it comes to being on eHarmony, is when I click on a link to view a match and see "request my photo". Uuuugh! I don't think I'm that shallow, but dag nab it I don't want to request your stupid photo! Seeing your picture I've come to realize, is important to me.  Perhaps there are valid reasons why people don't post at least one photo (i.e. top secret job, they're in the witness protection program, they don't want their wives to find out etc.) but come on!!!  You get to see me but I don't get to see yours? Not fair.

The one time I did allow myself to be open minded, the guy never sent his picture and that's after I requested it three times..Really? I mean are you that busted? I dunno, maybe this was a test. Perhaps I was supposed to base my interests off his profile and email communication and not focus so much on looks? If that's the case, I guess I missed my blessing cause I closed the match.... Did I mention he was from Canada? C'mon Son, I don't think so!