
August 27, 2010

Crazy will always be revealed!

So originally I planned on sharing this story under my REALLY post but as I started writing it I realized that this story needed to be told all by itself!  It's just that special.  But don't worry it still qualifies for a... Uhhh.... REALLY?

So I proceeded one fine day to log into my yahoo email and found an encouraging email from Match that indicated a young man had emailed me. The title of his email was "I liked your profile".  Okay so a sista was feeling encouraged.  His email was a little long but he sounded interesting.  Now my first red flag was the fact that within the email he was referring to himself in the third person and he had this interesting way of writing. Well......... to understand what I am talking about here is a copy of a sentence from his email:  "My name is Elbert and I am from Arkansas *as he extends his right hand out to shake hers and then thought wait I'm from the South we greet with a hug*.  Now the first time you read this you might be thinking it's clever or creative.  Yes initially I thought the same thing until he kept doing it.

2nd red flag:  I emailed him back and he responded with an invitation to watch a dvd and have a glass of moscato. First of all what the heck is moscato?  I guessed it was alcohol but when I first read the email I really did miss the part that stated "watching a dvd".  Do they watch DVDs in the movie theater?  Needless to say that never panned out but within the few short emails we exchanged phone numbers. 

Fast forward to the weekend when I was getting a lovely 2 hour massage and apparently he called me.  Didn't leave a message but proceeded to follow the call up with a text message that stated "I tried".  Oh I should add that he sent me a text after midnight that just said "hello".  The only reason I know it was him was because after our back and forth through text message, that you will read about below, I recognized the number was the same. 

So you can see Crazy is building his case.  After the "I tried" text I sent him a message asking who it was.  He responded:  "Who are you?"  I responded:  "If you don't know who you are sending messages to then we have a problem".  He responded:  "You should know who you gave your number to".  By now you are probably thinking: "Stop going back and forth with Crazy" but I admit y'all I got sucked in!  Crazy can be powerful sometimes and before you know it you are engaging with it and God forbid trying to reason with it.  So yes I did respond:  "I gave my no# to a few people and when someone initially reaches out to a STRANGER who they have never spoken to via the phone it is common for them to say who they are".  And he responds:  "Enjoy".  And I responded:  "You too".  Thus ended my brief romance with Crazy.  It just wasn't meant to be.

So apparently I needed to memorize his number and apparently his initial introduction via email according to him was sufficient.  There was no need just to say "Hi this is Elbert".  I was just supposed to know his number because he is just that GOOD.   Moral of the story:  PAY ATTENTION TO THE RED FLAGS because sooner or later Crazy will reveal itself!   It can't hide for too long it!

0 Speak on it!:

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