So I proceeded one fine day to log into my
2nd red flag: I emailed him back and he responded with an invitation to watch a dvd and have a glass of moscato. First of all what the heck is moscato? I guessed it was alcohol but when I first read the email I really did miss the part that stated "watching a dvd". Do they watch DVDs in the movie theater? Needless to say that never panned out but within the few short emails we exchanged phone numbers.
Fast forward to the weekend when I was getting a lovely 2 hour massage and apparently he called me. Didn't leave a message but proceeded to follow the call up with a text message that stated "I tried". Oh I should add that he sent me a text after midnight that just said "hello". The only reason I know it was him was because after our back and forth through text message, that you will read about below, I recognized the number was the same.
So you can see Crazy is building his case. After the "I tried" text I sent him a message asking who it was. He responded: "Who are you?" I responded: "If you don't know who you are sending messages to then we have a problem". He responded: "You should know who you gave your number to". By now you are probably thinking: "Stop going back and forth with Crazy" but I admit y'all I got sucked in! Crazy can be powerful sometimes and before you know it you are engaging with it and God forbid trying to reason with it. So yes I did respond: "I gave my no# to a few people and when someone initially reaches out to a STRANGER who they have never spoken to via the phone it is common for them to say who they are". And he responds: "Enjoy". And I responded: "You too". Thus ended my brief romance with Crazy. It just wasn't meant to be.
So apparently I needed to memorize his number and apparently his initial introduction via email according to him was sufficient. There was no need just to say "Hi this is Elbert". I was just supposed to know his number because he is just that GOOD. Moral of the story: PAY ATTENTION TO THE RED FLAGS because sooner or later Crazy will reveal itself! It can't hide for too long it!
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